I live in Seattle and work as a hospital chaplain. In the past, I have been a spiritual director and retreat facilitator, and that informs my approach to being a Quaker. I am also a wife and mother, and I like to play with theology and faith and make it be relevant to life. Everything I know about God gets put to the test by my experiences in the real world, and everything I experience in the real world affects how I understand God to be present to us. The fruits of my musings are what you will see on these pages.

In my faith life I move back and forth between contemplation and action. I am also an activist by nature. When I see something I perceive to be a problem, I like to engage it and come up with ideas for solutions. In this blog, I will wrestle with issues of Quaker faith, practice, and culture, and I’ll write about the condition of liberal Quaker Meetings as I see it. 

I have another blog, too, http://susannekromberg.wordpress.com, where I look more broadly at liberal Christian theology.